The Golden Hour
If your anything like me when it comes to photography I am always chasing sunsets and sunrising everywhere I go. From waking up at 4am to hike to a mountain top or staying out until 10 to catch the last bit of summer light.

As I have gotten more into photography I soon learned about this thing called “the golden hour”. The day has two golden hours, sunrise and sunset. While you could try to look this up for where you will be I found the Sol app to help drastically with this. While it isn’t a free app it is rather cheap ($3.99) and has kept me from second guessing whether I’m going to make it in time for the best lighting.

Put in your location and it will include times for both golden hours as well as nautical dawn, civil dawn (and some others that I haven’t found the use for). The app can also help for those wishing to get in a little astrophotography, just check to see when full darkness is reached to get the best night skies.