Let me start by saying, visiting the Auschwitz concentration camps was one of the most somber experiences I have ever had. I personally feel everyone should have to visit once in their life and witness the true power of hate as a reminder of what we as humans are capable of with hate.
Auschwitz I

Arbeit Macht Frei, “work sets you free”. Upon entering Auschwitz I you will walk through the gates where several Jewish once walked through. The Jewish and other prisoners didn’t know what was in store and that no matter how much work they were made to do they were never going to earn freedom.

Originally destroyed the gas chambers have been rebuilt as a memorial. Auschwitz I unlike Auschwitz II-Birkenau was not the primary death camp but still led to thousands of Jewish deaths.

Barbed wire and guards were not the main thing that kept prisoners from escaping but rather fear. The Nazis used fear to control prisoners including public executions.
The proof of crimes
To show proof of crimes and that the Nazis took the belongings of their prisoners, primarily Jews, there is a building dedicated to showing the things taken from them upon arrival at the concentration camps.

Auschwitz II-Birkenau

At Birkenau prisoners were brought in from all over Europe and treated more like animals than humans. The trains would pull in and many were offloaded directly to gas chambers and to their death.

Auschwitz II-Birkenau was the largest concentration camp and primary death camp through the holocaust. The vastness of the camp was astounding to see in person. There were 4 gas chambers which helped kill nearly 1.1 million men, women and children.

Reconstructed to show the conditions in Birkenau the original horse stables were set to hold 15 horses and rather had around 400 prisoners crammed in.